Monday, November 14, 2011


Authors note: The over-use of the exclamation mark in this blog is for the intentional purpose of conveying intensity. This is not a case of exclamation mark negligence.

This one is short, but let me go ahead and welcome you guys into my dream world. Let me preface by saying that I constantly sleep eat (and drink). And what is the number one thing that disappears throughout the nights? Milk. My milk, my roommates milk, anyone's milk. And we all know that dairy gives you near hallucinogenic dreams.

I was the Batman. And the Riddler was up to his usual tricks... Riddles. Though, I'd call this one more of a puzzle. He had kidnapped both wealthy people and friends, and placed them with their backs facing a swimming pool. Each was carrying a briefcase, and as I approached the briefcases flipped open revealing different contents.

What was the Riddler getting at? What was his game? Damnit, I needed more time!

I looked the Riddler in the eyes, told him I couldn't do it, and I walked away. Holy Batman! Really? That's enough to make any 10 year old boy cry. But the Riddler wasn't the only one playing tricks. You see, I knew that the real target in this situation was me, and if I was unwilling to play, the Riddler was going to have to find a way to MAKE me play. I was buying time.

I found a nearby wedding reception, and I sat down next to Alfred and Kate. Kate asked me what was wrong and I wouldn't say. I simply didn't want to get her involved. After some talking she made a remark about how I'd make a good father. I stood up in a display of emotional brilliance (cue stringed instruments), shouting they deserve to be good fathers too! Why can't they have their chance?? I have to save them! I put my fist through a window. It was time! SHOWDOWN!

I was standing on the edge of a dock, and I jumped in to take a swim. Once my head was submerged, there was an Orca whale swimming with all my friends. Okay this is the part where things really get crazy: You might be just as confused as I was. Where's the Riddler, what happened? Well, I am of the opinion that the universe snapped me out of the Batman dream because there was something very valuable to be learned. And as frustrating as not seeing the ending of my Batman saga (I probably would have messed it up, anyways), it was like an emergency announcement interrupting your favorite tv show to tell you a tornado was coming... except WAY worse.

NONE of my friends were terrified. Guys this is an ORCA whale! Orca whale = killing machine. It's like a panda meets a shark meets a whale and they all have a three way baby, and then they give that baby copious amounts of speed. Don't swim with Orcas guys. Free Willy might have been a warm fuzzy story, but they didn't have the facts straight. Dreams have meaning, and it would be selfish of me not to share the importance of this one: Swimming with Orcas will get you killed. Be smart guys. Be careful, because you deserve to be a father (or mother) too!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Patronus FTW!

Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter. Pirates of the Caribbean. If I could walk into a soccer game with Jack Sparrow, Legolas, Strider, and Harry Potter on my team, I’d be feeling pretty good about my chances. Strider would be busy trying to draw the six foul, while Legolas would probably have borrowed HP’s broom to get a better view of things. Harry Potter, prior to the game would explain to me that my patronus was a soccer ball, and while I distracted the other team with my patronus, Jack would have smuggled the ball over the goal line while HP was magically running time off the clock.

I would have more championship t-shirts than I would know what to do with. I might be able to sew them into a blanket, wear them all at the same time, or if I know anything about that Jack Sparrow he’ll probably be tying them together to sneak out of the window at my house, when the cracken rings my doorbell. “He’s not here to trick or treat Jack!” “I’ve got a ship and crew already manned and ready in your garage!” “You flooded my garage??” “No time!”

The craze behind those movies and books was absolutely insane. It was like the whole world was secretly waving wands about shouting spells at their mirrors, learning how to perfectly load and shoot an arrow in one swift motion (please tell me I wasn’t the only one doing those things!). Why? Why are we so inclined to think that the world of Harry Potter is any more interesting, imaginative, beautiful, adventurous, fun or exciting than our very own REAL world?

I’ll be the first to admit that if I was a master of the sword I’d be happy. I would love to be able to cast magic spells. We all would! But I suspect that somewhere along the way we told ourselves we weren’t going to get super excited about our own world. Did we get let down after getting our hopes up? When we used to feel much did we get hurt lots? Did we shut it off?

This goes both large scale and small scale. I know a girl who plays the piano. She doesn’t just play the piano, she PLAYS the piano, and it melts my heart. I can say that listening to her play for me, is one of the most meaningful things I know. It creates an ache in my heart. It is magic. People who know me well, hear me refer to this often, as a “piano moment.” And life is FULL of them, full of seemingly small moments that are actually so big! Sneaking out of your house at 3 in the morning with your roommates to go sledding. The time Flu made it in and out of every room in the house by only climbing furnature and scaling walls. Setting up a middle school kid for a goal at the after school program. A sunset. Someone telling you they love you. Holding someone’s hand. Laughing! These things are magic!! Life, real true life, is full of moments like this.

And big picture? There is no greater adventure than chasing after the people you love and the people that love you. Sure magic, and pirates , orcs and wizards are cool… but Daniel Carter, Lance Atkins, Hannah Payne, Jordan and Sammy Archuleta, my cousins, Rachel Larsen…. (List continues)… are much, much cooler. It is as simple as that. They ARE my adventure.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with LOTR, Harry Potter, etc. Anyone who gets excited about those movies and books and celebrates them: I am on your side. But can we get just as excited about real life? Look for the piano moments! Tell people about them! Celebrate them, and experience them!!! Get hurt, laugh, play the piano, listen for the piano, watch a sunset, and climb around the walls of your house. But most of all, live the adventure, and go out and love with a big heart and reckless abandon. Your story is better than Harry Potter’s story. If you guys surround me with that kind of enthusiasm, I think I will be happy for forever.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Galactic, Fantastic, Sporadic - Love Story

Curly haired boy in outer space,
Cutest Earth girl in the human race.
Gravity, you will never find,
Except that which pulls your heart to mine.
Holiday stars sparkle just like snow,
But my address Santa does not know.
I promise you are worth every commute.
I'll love you with interstellar pursuit.
Darling, I promise you I'll set the mood.
We'll dine by starlight with freeze dried food.
When you are sick I'll float with you,
Watching out-dated episodes of scooby-doo.
Asking you out might be a long shot,
But it's better than dating my astro robot.
If you say yes my life is complete,
I'll finally take Moulan Rouge off of repeat.
And when the impending asteroid plummets to earth,
It will finally be time to show you my worth.
I'll fly this here spaceship right in the way,
Diverting its course, and saving the day.
And if we're successful we'll be lost in the fire,
But losing your life is not my desire.
Because of this I have to demand it,
That you never know me and stay on your planet.
And when you stare up and look at the glow,
It will be illuminated by the love-light, you never did know.
But when I look down at your planet so blue,
My heroism will be inspired by what I see in you.

If it can never be so, why am I writing this ditty?
I guess its to make sure you know, that I think you're pretty.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Sincerely wish,
The girl with the purple socks,
Left my foot alone

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's Like Trying to Only Eat One Gummy Bear!

Ever come home from a hard day and just feel like toking up on some compliments? Maybe sit down and drink a six pack of incoming phone calls? How about snorting some facebook friends? I’m not talking just one, I’m talking like 700+. Inject some high fives, ‘well done’s, some hugs? Pull out your bottle of besties, and pop a movie invite? Because there is nothing like getting high off of approval, right?

I have a friend who is the most organized and the most meticulous thinker that I know. It is refreshing. But he told me “Sean I don’t WANT those gifts. I want to be well spoken! I want to be an athlete!” Sometimes it seems people value the gifts that get them more praise than other gifts. Who hasn’t imagined themselves as a professional athlete, stadium going crazy?! (I hope other people do that, or else I really just threw myself under the bus there) Because I know we’ve all pictured ourselves winning an award, being the best at something, being recognized!

There are no Olympics for being organized. There is no plumbing-bee. There are no movies about excel spreadsheets transforming into spreadsheet-prime, and fighting off the evil google-docs. It is like we use our skills, and talents, and attributes to buy the drug of approval. If only I were funnier, then people would like me more. I could be better looking, and I’d get more attention. Maybe if I were an incredible athlete, people would notice me. Being liked is a drug, and we all have a bad habit. And like any drug, at first it works, but the next time around you need more, and more, and more. I don’t care if you’re in high school, college, getting married, or 60 years old. You have a being liked problem.

I think the more your giftedness translates into social acceptance, the more impossible it is to walk away from the addiction. But has it ever satisfied? Has it ever made anything better? In fact, in my experience, it has only made me more miserable! An ounce of disapproval feels like a quart (I don’t understand fluid measurements, so offer me some grace here [you get my point]). If one person doesn’t like you, it feels like the end of the world, whereas for other people they can just walk away and let it go. Like any drug addiction, my habit is becoming self destructive. I sometimes lose sight of who I really am, because I am too busy shaping myself around what other people want me to be.

So now what? Well it’s time to go clean. I’m not talking about adopting an attitude of “well who gives a rip what people think about you!” For one, it doesn’t work that way. Additionally, there is something to be said about having some accountability in who you are. That, I am okay with. I think the key, the trick, the rehab to healing, is to let go. I was once told that life isn’t about stopping something, it is about becoming someone. I have seen a lack of success in my life when I tried to just stop doing something. But what does it look like to start walking the other way?

Letting go of this addiction is to relinquish the need for people to all fall in love with you. Maybe we need to stop working so hard to get people to like us, and we need to start working very hard at getting us to like people. How different and full of life would we be if we could focus our efforts on loving well? What if we focused all of our energy into chasing after, and offering worth to the people we encounter every day. Our world would change, and we would be transformed. And if we all adopted this, then everyone WOULD be liked!

When you start living your life like this, the ironic thing is that people will like you. All people really want is to be listened to. We can all attest that people just want someone to like them. Let’s worry more about liking them. Isn’t it funny that the moment we let go and don’t care about how many people like us, everyone will begin to like us? The moment you don’t want it anymore, you get it. Easier said than done. Be free.

Yes. I do realize I asked 13 questions in this blog. My next blog will be about the drug of asking too many questions.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Propose a Toast!

King Arthur was always a warrior, and an admirable one at that, in the face of danger. But with chaos reining in the kingdom, he was faced with his toughest decision in all of his time as ruler of Camelot. Excalibur came easy, the swift draw of the sword out of the stone. This proved that unachievable tasks to some, were without strain for Arthur.

"What shall we do m'Lord?" Sir Kay asked from across the circular, wooden table that served as both a banquet table and a war table.

The dragon was attacking, on the west side, just adjacent to the great lake. The Picts and Saxons were marching on both sides of the city, probably ready to fight each other for the remains of Camelot, after claiming it in victory. The knights of Camelot were very short handed as months ago they had deployed brave men to return with the holy grail.

"M'Lord?" Kay repeated. Arthur was lost in thought.

"Merlin is no more, and how we could use him in a time like this. Recall Gawain and Galahad from the quest for the grail. Send a messenger and tell him to make haste! Sir Kay and Sir Palamedes, you two will go and lead battle against the Picts. Tristan, you and I will lead the battle against the Saxons. Leave the dragon for now. When we return, we will worry about him. Now, I propose a toast! To Life and Death, but surrender, no!"

Death. We lost. But how the hell were we supposed to know there was a traitor among us? And in our defense (obviously not literally), there was no way we could do all of that AND fight the black dragon. Not the way the story is supposed to go? My bad. Just know we gave our best effort to do things right. Unfortunately we came up short.

Board game nights at our house are the best. We get the roommates together, sit at our round (oval) table, and play. We play with vigor, because no board game is going to get the best of us. Lately we have been playing Shadows Over Camelot. Everybody vs. the game, sans one scum bag traitor. This time around it happened to be Daniel Carter. He screwed us over.

The game is made up of accomplishing certain quests. But failed quests lead to a losing game, and the traitor makes it his mission to sabotage quests without being found out.

I'm pretty sure my favorite part of the game, regardless of the outcome, is when a knight accomplishes something great. Someone will shout from the Oval Table, "I PROPOSE A TOAST!" and follow it with something along the lines of "To Sir Galahad! For recovering Lancelots Armor!!!" Everyone makes about as many manly noises as they can during the toast, and our neighbors probably assume everyone in our house is drunk. One time we broke out in song, "Proud to be an American," not sure how that fits in with anything, but it was fun.

Through our time in Camelot I have realized that toasting is an absolutely beautiful part of life. Everyone, comes together for something in common. It is a moment of pure community. Better yet, it is for a common cause, everyone tapping their drink in agreement. There is a moment of physical connection, with the clinking sound of a glass. Shout it out, shout with joy, proclaim, and celebrate. Together.

I don't care if it is for a sports game, a board game, a wedding, or just good time with friends over a beer. You can toast milk, grape juice, beer, wine, champagne, or even oatmeal (it has happened). People coming together, for anything, with anything, is irreplaceable. And having the space and creativity to celebrate any word, phrase, or thing is freedom.

My friend Lance told me that in Africa, they made sure that he knew the proper way to toast. It is a common act for people to stare at the collection of glasses while they toast. However, the magic is in looking everyone in the eyes. Regardless of habits, this changes everything. Try it.

Toast! Be joyful! Celebrate! I propose a toast, to toasting! Cheers mate! Make it a regular event, because i promise it builds meaning with frequency, never becoming a stale tradition.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Winky Face

It was a great excuse to not call and check in. It was a great excuse for my mom never to know I was currently in the dumpster behind Barnes and Noble taking anything good I could get my hands on. It was a good excuse to not call a girl back. I didn't get a cell phone until I was 17 years old, and I never complained.

Apparently, elementary schools even have problems with cell phones being used and ringing in class. I don't have a problem with young people having cell phones, I'm just trying to illustrate that young people HAVE cell phones. Why is this important? Text messaging.

Whether it be text messaging or instant message or Facebook chat, it doesn't matter. Being able to hide behind a screen, from another location, gives people a lot of courage. Especially young people. We can go on and on about whether or not Facebook, or cell-phones, or chat are good or bad things. I'm not interested in arguing about that, as much as I am interested in the things people are enabled to say over text message.

People tell each other they love each other. People ask each other out on dates. People sext (this still baffles me). People break up with each other. People tell each other they hate each other. People talk about difficult roommate situations, discuss bills, apologize, share their heart, argue, fight, smile, encourage, cry out, and even laugh out loud.

I have seen a lot of people talk to me about things that they would never, ever say in real life. I have had people bring stuff up that when I am around them, don't exist. I've had people tell me how much they love me, when around me they can't give me a hug. There is courage, a ton of courage, hiding behind a screen. This fascinates me. There must be something about someone looking you in the eyes, that exposes who you really are. There must be a great fear inside of us, that someone might actually see the real us.

I think that having courage to say things that you wouldn't normally say, can be a great thing. I know that people have shared some really cool things with me that they wouldn't have otherwise. I strongly believe that someone asking someone else on a date, or telling someone they like them, should happen in person. However, if there is someone who is incredible to me, and it comes down to them telling me they like me over text, or not at all, I will take the text. I've loved how real and raw some people have been with me over facebook chat. I love the deep inner workings I get to see in people's hearts, when I otherwise wouldn't get the opportunity. Encouraging texts can be saved, to look at later. None of these are negative things.

It can also be very dangerous. It enables someone to say something they don't mean. People take risks and get involved in things they normally wouldn't. It almost seems like the added courage of hiding behind a screen, can also be mask the feeling of conviction. The conscious can, essentially, be muted. I've seen a lot of people make mistakes over text, facebook, or email. It is not always a good thing.

My biggest point is this: If text messaging gives you the courage to say something you normally wouldn't, let that courage carry over. Let that courage be a starting point. If you are able to tell someone how important they are to you, over text, transfer into being able to look them in the eyes to say the same thing. If you can ask someone out on a date over text, make sure you can tell them how special you think they are after the date, to their face. If you can tell someone they screwed up, or you are upset, own it! Be able to look them in the eyes and have a difficult conversation.

I strongly believe in the positive effects of added courage. I have experienced a lot of cool things as a result. But life was intended to be real; so make it real. Use the courage as a stepping stone to something bigger. When you text someone, ask yourself (every time), could I say this to their face?

And for the record, I don't need text to tell you I love you. Give me a chance to spend some time with you and I'll be sure to say it to your face.

Friday, July 15, 2011


WARNING: The following blog features acts performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, The Garrison Household and the Writer must insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any action or activity performed in this blog.

We were bored, I have to admit. I cannot say, however, that we would have used our time differently if we weren't. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to spend their Wednesday night watching great (awful) movies? We started with Titanic 2. You're probably asking yourself, how can this movie exist, being that the Titanic Sunk? But I'm asking myself, how did so many pretty girls get on one boat? I mean, every single girl was beautiful. The boat sank. People died. I'd feel bad about ruining it for you, except telling you how it ends actually saves you from attempting to watch it.

We then moved on to Zombie Strippers, which lasted all of about 3 minutes before we turned it off, and from there went to Alien vs Ninja. I thought the award would go to Alien vs. Ninja, especially when I saw the scene where the Alien ripped a Ninja in half. I jumped the gun though, because I hadn't yet seen The Human Centipede, which gets the award for wost movie of all time. Bryan Euser had to make the suggestion, and I severely regret listening to him (He later redeemed himself). My life is worse because I watched that movie, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

During all of this madness, Flu made the ignorant comment that the Titanic had taken off from Britain. I decided I needed to log on to Wikipedia to prove just how wrong he was (He was right). I found a lot of interesting information about the Titanic, and a particular story caught my eye: the story of Violet Jessop. Apparently, both sister ships of the Titanic also either sunk or crashed. Violet was on all three.

I sent a text to Bryan and in his opinion, some of the information on Jessop's wiki seemed a little fishy. There was the story about a baby being stolen from her immediately following the Titanic crash, who later prank called her. There is also the story about how she went back when a boat was sinking for her toothbrush. I suggested to Bryan that we make our own contribution to the Wiki, and offered him a suggestion, which he refined. He replied: Check the Wiki. (Please refer to the last sentence of the Britannic section.)

Bryan you are a genius! "Reports also indicate Violet witnessed a prehistoric creature submerging and swimming away after the sinking of the Britannic." Kablam! Not only did we instantly become published writers, but we learned a very important life lesson. Our teachers were not lying to us when they said Wikipedia is not a reliable source. I officially, sincerely, and formally apologize to every teacher I fought with over the validity of Wikipedia. I was wrong.

Please do not attempt to recreate the events of this blog. These movies are to NEVER, EVER be watched. I realize it sounds fun to "put your own spin" on history, but I compare it to letting your dog poop on the neighbors lawn. Sure, if I let my dog poop on the neighbors lawn, they might be upset and a little suspicious. But if everyone lets their dog poop on my neighbors lawn, then war will be waged. Lets not screw kids over when they're writing their school essays, and disregard the teachers warnings about Wikipedia. I know I already have a lot of apologizing to do, to kids out there writing their Violet Jessop essays.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Knee Bone's Connected (?) To The Hand Bone (?)

Dramatic? Yes. How I really feel though? Absolutely.

Here is a transcript of my conversation with Dan, in regards to how my body currently feels, after two soccer games. One of them at goalie, one not. Please don't roll your eyes at me.

Dan: Mmm yessss. Did you hurt anything this game?

Nothing like... specific, I guess.

I'm limping around like a sap

But I think that's just because I think my body can do things that it cannot. And I do them anyways. And I pay for it

The limp seems to be the thing to do tonight. you mean like the splits!

Yep the splits was one of the things that my body can't do that I did anyways. Additionally, I am pretty sure I run faster than my body can.

Was your body falling behind

It was like... hmmm... Let me think of a good example.

Imagine like a transformer running, in transformed mode. And it is running so fast that like the metal starts to break off. Right? And as it is running wires and circuits are busting. Pieces fall off. The arm goes. The legs go.

And then the whole transformer starts to just roll


Replace metal with muscle and circuits with blood vessels. Wires and pieces with bones and veins. Then keep the skin so that it holds it all together. So when my muscles and bones and veins and blood vessels break off, they still stay in there, because the skin holds it in.

so basically I am a good looking kid (and I am) but on the inside I am absolute mush.

did you fall while running?

I didn't fall while running (this time) and no I am not saying that either... I am saying: Imagine apple sauce. Pause a moment.

Just imagine a giant bowl of apple sauce. Tell me when you do. Got it?


THAT is my insides. Right now!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

5'6" 115lbs All of Me

After years in prison, and a long crawl through a sewage tunnel, Andy Dufresne is free. Arms out, head up, rain on his face, he is free.

Andy hoped. The whole damn movie, he had so much hope. He believed that he was in a place that he didn't belong. He believed there was a beautiful life waiting for him. There was something inside of him that was untouchable.

Andy: That's the beauty of music. They can't get that from you... Haven't you ever felt that way about music?
Red: I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost interest in it though. Didn't make much sense in here.
Andy: Here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget.
Red: Forget?
Andy: Forget that... there are places in this world that aren't made out of stone. That there's something inside... that they can't get to, that they can't touch. That's yours.
Red: What're you talking about?
Andy: Hope.

Even though there was no reason to hope, and often there is not, he held onto it. That is how I want to live my life, you know? I want to hope. I want it to drip like honey. Hope is no guarantee. It works hand in hand with risk. It is what it is because there is a chance you won't get what you want. But there is so much beauty in that. Regardless of the outcome, that is the way I want to live my life.

I want to believe in something. I want to be someone who believes. I want to be free. And like Peter, who stepped out of the boat, I might fall. But for a moment, for a brief second, he got to experience the extraordinary. And for longer than a moment, before and after, he got to live in the Hope of complete freedom. Hope, sometimes, isn't for a reward. Often Hope itself is the reward.

What the hell are we so afraid of? I mean, really think about your life. Really. Is there so much to lose? What is the most that can be taken from you? Your life? God forbid, you might have to actually die to yourself, right? God forbid, you might actually have to lay down your life? There is more freedom in the death of your ego, the death of everything you are holding on to, than anything else. RISK! Just step out of the boat. Do you really want to be one of the others, wide eyed in the boat, while Peter got to walk on water?

Man in Black: Why aren't you afraid?
Desmond: Excuse me?
Man in Black: ...Why aren't you afraid?
Desmond: What is the point in being afraid?

Be free, friends. And take me with you. I am foolish. I forget. I fail. I succeed. I dance. I cry. I wallow in my self pity. I celebrate. I am afraid. I am courageous. I am incredibly inconsistent and I am a paradox. But I hope. I hope with all of me.

I hope. My whole damn life, I hope I'll have so much hope. I believe that I am in a place that I don't belong. I believe there is a beautiful life waiting for me. There is something inside of me that is absolutely, absolutely untouchable.

After years in prison, and a long crawl through a sewage tunnel, I will be free. Arms out, head up, rain on my face, I will be free... I hope.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quarter Life Crisis

So my two best friends are now married. Two of them in a week and a half. They both have degrees, are starting families, and moving forward with their lives. What am I doing with mine?

Now, it would be easy to read this and try to give me tons of feedback on why I can't compare myself to others, and how I am doing plenty with my life. Yes, this I understand. But I can't get myself to FEEL that way, even if I understand. So, beyond getting talked out of it, this is what is going through my head as of late.

It makes me feel left behind. I've had plenty of friends get married. My brother is getting married. I'm fine with all of this. And while I celebrate wholeheartedly the forward motion in Lance and Daniel's lives, it becomes more real to me when it is the people I have lived with, done life with, discovered with, and journeyed with.

I am not married. I am not in a relationship. I am not going to school. I am working a job that is good enough, but that I am not passionate about. I had to quit ministry. Yes, a lot of this comes down to my health. I DO NOT, by any means think that these are the number one things in life or that I have to have these things to achieve purpose or happiness. I don't sit around wanting to be married, and I don't sit around wanting a girlfriend. I'm not beating myself up about school. But, none-the-less, I feel left behind.

Regardless of how it is achieved, I want my life to have purpose and lately I have felt very purposeless. I'm pretty sure I am having my quarter life crisis, and while it creates inner turmoil, I can only hope that it causes transformation in my heart and the desire to risk. While it is a struggle, I hope that it changes me. Maybe having a panic time to look at my life is exactly what I need. Maybe I am already moving forward.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ask Again

If you let your pride get in the way of your pursuit of people, you're missing something wonderful - an essential piece of the kingdom. No one owes you anything - including the desire for you. But you have something to offer. And walking away by the suggestion of your hubris, you are denying someone - everyone - the chance to be transformed by the presence of God in you.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Lately my roommates and I have had a ‘seize the day’ theme. Cliché words, I know, but the idea of seizing a day can never become old and overdone. Last night we made cupcakes and delivered them to people we love, around town. The cupcakes turned out worse than we wanted, took longer than expected, and we probably didn’t need 6 of us to deliver them (I rode in the trunk).

So today, Devin looks me in the eyes at about 2 this afternoon, and asks, “How are we going to seize the day today?” We looked out the window and saw the trees full of excitement. “It’s windy,” he says.

I’m four feet off the ground, with Flu holding me down, the wind fighting him hard. I land and we both get dragged about 30 yards. The wind picks me up again, this time eight feet off the ground. Flu (6’6”) is holding me at the waist with full arm extension. Then I’m tossed to the ground. We are dragged again. If he lets go of me, I have no clue what will happen.

“Let’s fly a kite…”
“Yeah… that sounds fun…”

It wasn’t until Devin suggested that we get full face helmets, that I realized it wasn’t such a bad idea. Flying a kite is okay, but flying a 12 meter, $1,000 kite, complete with harness, in 30mph winds, is reckless. We were in a reckless mood.

I feel alive when the skin is stripped off my wrists, my legs are still shaking from the adrenaline rush, and Devin and I are being dragged behind Flu as we try to stop him from floating away.

Consider today seized, cliché and all. This doesn’t even include Sean on train tracks with helmet, Sean breaks into a car, or Sean jumping off 15 foot balcony in an effort to rescue his bedding, during a blanket heist. I rescued it.