Monday, June 8, 2009

Treacherous Endeavors

So last night when I was driving home at about 11:00 PM I decided that I desperately needed something. So I pulled off at King Soopers and purchased a half gallon of milk and oreos. I walked back to my car, and was baffled at the fact that my key wouldn't work.

Off in the distance I heard, "HEY! What are you doing to my car?" I looked at the car, I looked at him. I realized it wasn't my car. I looked at my car. I reacted.

"We have the same car! I swear to God we have the same car!" He didn't say anything but I was pretty sure he was going to kill me. "Look! Look! My car is the exact same car as yours."

He looked, looked unimpressed, and then finally caved (probably in response to my irresistible charm), "Okay.."

"I swear look!" For some reason I still felt the desire to convince him. "I'm sorry bro I thought it was my car." At this point you're probably thinking to yourself, Sean is overreacting. Not in the least bit. His initial question was really a death threat in disguise. His next statement proves my point.

"You know it only takes (some obscure number) hours to get your CWL in Colorado."

"I don't even know what that means."

"Your concealed weapon license..."

"Do you have yours?" I asked him... when really I wanted to say, 'Now why in the world did you need to say that?'


At this point I was unimpressed, but I played his game. "Well I'm glad you didn't start shooting at me. You scared the crap out of me." This is when the third party member revealed himself. A man with long sideburns, tattoos, and an otherwise rugged appearance, peeked his head up over his car and stated, "Yeah you scared me too." He then timidly walked into the grocery store.

Let this be a lesson to all of you... The kid with the milk and cookies... yeah he plays dangerous games. And he is still at large.


kara! said...

ha! that's great.
but King Soopers??? what is that??????? you colorado people....

Carrie Beth said...

Oreos and milk...this seems to be a typical meal for you.