Tuesday, June 9, 2009

For The Sake of Blood Pressure, Everywhere

What the heck IS stress anyway? I'm constantly amazed at my ability to get worked up. A whole day can be consumed about something I have to get planned, or ready for the night. Instead of living in the moment, finding something to enjoy about what I'm currently doing, I just sit there and stress out.

Now don't confuse stress with worry. I believe they are two completely different things, although they are probably tied together. I don't sit there and worry about what is coming next, I just let the tension of what it asks of me get in my head.

See here is the tricky thing. My stress doesn't make anything better. It never wins a situation for me. So why then? Is it a habbit? Is it genetic? It's ridiculous. I've often heard the saying 'you are what you practice.' Well if that is true I am going to practice not being stressed out. I'm going to be present in the moment, I'm going to do what situations ask of me, and I'm going to effing enjoy it. That's my goal. Watch me go.

1 comment:

kara! said...

ha! i get you! Know when I get stressed the most?? When I sit in traffic (maybe it's my choice of city I live in..but still..lame). Is that stupid?? I mean, of all things to get stressed about...traffic????? I am working on not being stressed in traffic cuz it's pointless. I have no control.
YOU CAN DO IT SEAN. you can live in the moment! and not be stressed! or you can come sit in traffic with me in so cal and be stressed!!! haha. jk.