There are a lot of characteristics we use to define who God is. He is so big, that we have to try and put him into compartments and boxes to even try and comprehend who He is. There is the characteristic of keeping us in line, the one where God teaches us to chase after integrity, and what it means to truly become someone. There is the characteristic of wisdom, of a God who can direct us through, and teach us what it really means to be alive. There is compassion, hope, creativity, etc. etc.
But I think in trying to create our definition of God we often miss the bigger picture. Our God desperately, desperately loves us. We were created by a God who romances, and our God is constantly chasing after our hearts. See, unfortunately we too often forget that the Creator of the Universe, is a God who:
Stands outside of your school, just waiting for you to get out of class.
Loves to make you laugh.
Smiles when you do.
Surprises you.
Stays up late with you when you have work to do, so you don't have to be alone.
Eats dinner with you, when no one else can.
Makes time for you, despite a busy schedule.
Screams the loudest at your graduation.
Kisses you on the head.
Knows you better than you do.
Speaks on your behalf.
Face lights up, and eyes get wide when you walk into the room.
Races through a crowd to get to you.
Leaves things laying around so you never forget everything the two of you have been through.
Just wants to talk.
Shows up even when you don't expect it.
Makes big sacrifices just to make sure you'll be okay.
Holds you when you cry.
Cries with you.
Sings to you when you sleep.
Loves the color of your eyes.
If we can believe God can be as big as all of his amazing characteristics, then why can't we believe that God is small enough to love us just exactly how we need to be loved. Gosh, how could we ever forget that our God loves us like that? If he romances us with the changing of the leaves, the ocean tides, the moon and the stars... then He surely loves us like that.
Let yourself be romanced by God, exactly how you need to be. And this week when you walk out of work or class, I hope you see God standing there, with a smile and wide eyes. He shows up, always, and He loves the way you laugh, and He absolutely loves the color of your eyes. Be loved.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Color Of Your Eyes
There are a lot of characteristics we use to define who God is. He is so big, that we have to try and put him into compartments and boxes to even try and comprehend who He is. There is the characteristic of keeping us in line, the one where God teaches us to chase after integrity, and what it means to truly become someone. There is the characteristic of wisdom, of a God who can direct us through, and teach us what it really means to be alive. There is compassion, hope, creativity, etc. etc.
But I think in trying to create our definition of God we often miss the bigger picture. Our God desperately, desperately loves us. We were created by a God who romances, and our God is constantly chasing after our hearts. See, unfortunately we too often forget that the Creator of the Universe, is a God who:
Stands outside of your school, just waiting for you to get out of class.
Loves to make you laugh.
Smiles when you do.
Surprises you.
Stays up late with you when you have work to do, so you don't have to be alone.
Eats dinner with you, when no one else can.
Makes time for you, despite a busy schedule.
Screams the loudest at your graduation.
Kisses you on the head.
Knows you better than you do.
Speaks on your behalf.
Face lights up, and eyes get wide when you walk into the room.
Races through a crowd to get to you.
Leaves things laying around so you never forget everything the two of you have been through.
Just wants to talk.
Shows up even when you don't expect it.
Makes big sacrifices just to make sure you'll be okay.
Holds you when you cry.
Cries with you.
Sings to you when you sleep.
Loves the color of your eyes.
If we can believe God can be as big as all of his amazing characteristics, then why can't we believe that God is small enough to love us just exactly how we need to be loved. Gosh, how could we ever forget that our God loves us like that? If he romances us with the changing of the leaves, the ocean tides, the moon and the stars... then He surely loves us like that.
Let yourself be romanced by God, exactly how you need to be. And this week when you walk out of work or class, I hope you see God standing there, with a smile and wide eyes. He shows up, always, and He loves the way you laugh, and He absolutely loves the color of your eyes. Be loved.
But I think in trying to create our definition of God we often miss the bigger picture. Our God desperately, desperately loves us. We were created by a God who romances, and our God is constantly chasing after our hearts. See, unfortunately we too often forget that the Creator of the Universe, is a God who:
Stands outside of your school, just waiting for you to get out of class.
Loves to make you laugh.
Smiles when you do.
Surprises you.
Stays up late with you when you have work to do, so you don't have to be alone.
Eats dinner with you, when no one else can.
Makes time for you, despite a busy schedule.
Screams the loudest at your graduation.
Kisses you on the head.
Knows you better than you do.
Speaks on your behalf.
Face lights up, and eyes get wide when you walk into the room.
Races through a crowd to get to you.
Leaves things laying around so you never forget everything the two of you have been through.
Just wants to talk.
Shows up even when you don't expect it.
Makes big sacrifices just to make sure you'll be okay.
Holds you when you cry.
Cries with you.
Sings to you when you sleep.
Loves the color of your eyes.
If we can believe God can be as big as all of his amazing characteristics, then why can't we believe that God is small enough to love us just exactly how we need to be loved. Gosh, how could we ever forget that our God loves us like that? If he romances us with the changing of the leaves, the ocean tides, the moon and the stars... then He surely loves us like that.
Let yourself be romanced by God, exactly how you need to be. And this week when you walk out of work or class, I hope you see God standing there, with a smile and wide eyes. He shows up, always, and He loves the way you laugh, and He absolutely loves the color of your eyes. Be loved.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
For those of you who read what I write, you've probably realized at this point it is all the same anyways. Really it is. But that is because I hope that at some point, part of it hits us. Whether it is because it gets said in the right way, or we read it during a certain point of our lives, hopefully some day our hearts catch fire, get set ablaze, and we burn, burn, burn for something so much bigger than ourselves:
Last time I wrote, I talked about how we were created for amazing, amazing things. Really we have amazing potential to change this world in incredible ways. And it is one of my greatest hopes in life that we are running and striving towards that goal. I hope that God has placed on all of our hearts where we are running to and who we are becoming. I hope that we are crashing into people's lives and hearts and exploding into this world with the goal of becoming someone and helping the world heal.
But as much as it hurts to admit it, we do have limitations. We are so stubborn to think that we are going to do this as individuals. I don't know if it is because we are afraid to let other people see the crap in our life or we are so prideful to think that our mission is our own. But we all have strengths and weaknesses. I, as much as it sucks to say, can't find my way around worth anything. I don't know right from left, and I can't remember street names. This is a petty example, but we all have things like this in our lives.
I used to get frustrated at these things, but now I'm starting to believe that maybe, just maybe these limitations are one of the greatest gifts in all the world. Could it be that because of these limitations that we are forced to do this together? Could it be that if we really decide that we weren't created to walk alone, we would be better off? See, I think this system was put in place so that we would hold hands and walk together.
If we joined up and walked together we could radically transform the world we live in. If we walked side by side we could defy the limitations we face everyday, defy all odds, and explode into this world and change things for all eternity. Brothers and sisters, I desperately need you. I can't even make a dent in this world without you, and even IF I could.... I wouldn't want to. Will you please walk beside me? Will you please do this with me? I don't want to do this by myself, and I couldn't anyways. So thank the living God that he didn't create us so that we could.
May your heart catch fire and burn, burn, burn for something bigger than yourself.
Last time I wrote, I talked about how we were created for amazing, amazing things. Really we have amazing potential to change this world in incredible ways. And it is one of my greatest hopes in life that we are running and striving towards that goal. I hope that God has placed on all of our hearts where we are running to and who we are becoming. I hope that we are crashing into people's lives and hearts and exploding into this world with the goal of becoming someone and helping the world heal.
But as much as it hurts to admit it, we do have limitations. We are so stubborn to think that we are going to do this as individuals. I don't know if it is because we are afraid to let other people see the crap in our life or we are so prideful to think that our mission is our own. But we all have strengths and weaknesses. I, as much as it sucks to say, can't find my way around worth anything. I don't know right from left, and I can't remember street names. This is a petty example, but we all have things like this in our lives.
I used to get frustrated at these things, but now I'm starting to believe that maybe, just maybe these limitations are one of the greatest gifts in all the world. Could it be that because of these limitations that we are forced to do this together? Could it be that if we really decide that we weren't created to walk alone, we would be better off? See, I think this system was put in place so that we would hold hands and walk together.
If we joined up and walked together we could radically transform the world we live in. If we walked side by side we could defy the limitations we face everyday, defy all odds, and explode into this world and change things for all eternity. Brothers and sisters, I desperately need you. I can't even make a dent in this world without you, and even IF I could.... I wouldn't want to. Will you please walk beside me? Will you please do this with me? I don't want to do this by myself, and I couldn't anyways. So thank the living God that he didn't create us so that we could.
May your heart catch fire and burn, burn, burn for something bigger than yourself.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Unplanned and Unexpected
Ministry in Arvada abounds:
Daniel Carter and I had a meeting on Sunday night about Middle School Ministry this year through Wyld Life. We decided to take a walk and plan out the year, when we came to a stark realization. No amount of planning or scheming will ever replace God's work. He is constantly saying, let's do this, let's do this. We are constantly saying, I've got this, I've got this. As we were walking we talked about how the greatest things in life were never planned or expected, but came when we allowed God to take over and bless our lives. And while we were walking, we came across Moore Middle School, which was neither planned nor expected. We walked the school and prayed for this year, for the kids, and for God's help.
Yesterday after praying, I got a phone call from a lady named JaneAnne. She said her and her husband were interested in helping, so Daniel and I went to meet with them this morning. They want to disciple kids, they want to disciple leaders, they want to donate money, lend their house, be a parent ambassador, make us meals, and on and on and on. This was neither planned nor expected.
This year we are dreaming big, and going big. It is our dream to do ministry to 150 kids this year. Doorways are being opened and big things are happening. We are going to be at Moore Middle School on Monday afternoons, we are going to have kickball on Monday afternoons, we are tutoring at CastleGate on Tuesday afternoons, we are going to be having Wyld Life club on Tuesday nights, bible study on Saturday mornings, going to football games on Friday nights, going to Oberon Middle School Fridays for lunch, having sports club at Oberon Middle on Mondays, going to North Arvada Middle school, running a club at North Arvada Middle, tutoring at North Arvada Middle, having meals at kids homes, going to kids games, and on and on and on. We have been training leaders at Colorado Christian University, and last night we had 25 leaders who signed up, and hopefully more tonight. Leaders are being discipled and growing in the lord one and one. Parents are coming to know the lord. Community is growing, and Arvada is thriving.
Sometimes my life rapidly falls apart. Sometimes everything goes wrong. But this changes everything. Everything else isn't important in comparison to kids knowing Christ. This is not about pride, this is not about glory, and this is not about competition. This is about every kid, everywhere, having the opportunity to know Christ. This is about dreaming big. This is about moving into the neighborhood, and this is about chasing after the heart of God. Big things are going to happen this year. So lets do this together. Lets live together, minister together, celebrate together, and chase after the hearts of the people we love.
Ministry abounds in Arvada.
Daniel Carter and I had a meeting on Sunday night about Middle School Ministry this year through Wyld Life. We decided to take a walk and plan out the year, when we came to a stark realization. No amount of planning or scheming will ever replace God's work. He is constantly saying, let's do this, let's do this. We are constantly saying, I've got this, I've got this. As we were walking we talked about how the greatest things in life were never planned or expected, but came when we allowed God to take over and bless our lives. And while we were walking, we came across Moore Middle School, which was neither planned nor expected. We walked the school and prayed for this year, for the kids, and for God's help.
Yesterday after praying, I got a phone call from a lady named JaneAnne. She said her and her husband were interested in helping, so Daniel and I went to meet with them this morning. They want to disciple kids, they want to disciple leaders, they want to donate money, lend their house, be a parent ambassador, make us meals, and on and on and on. This was neither planned nor expected.
This year we are dreaming big, and going big. It is our dream to do ministry to 150 kids this year. Doorways are being opened and big things are happening. We are going to be at Moore Middle School on Monday afternoons, we are going to have kickball on Monday afternoons, we are tutoring at CastleGate on Tuesday afternoons, we are going to be having Wyld Life club on Tuesday nights, bible study on Saturday mornings, going to football games on Friday nights, going to Oberon Middle School Fridays for lunch, having sports club at Oberon Middle on Mondays, going to North Arvada Middle school, running a club at North Arvada Middle, tutoring at North Arvada Middle, having meals at kids homes, going to kids games, and on and on and on. We have been training leaders at Colorado Christian University, and last night we had 25 leaders who signed up, and hopefully more tonight. Leaders are being discipled and growing in the lord one and one. Parents are coming to know the lord. Community is growing, and Arvada is thriving.
Sometimes my life rapidly falls apart. Sometimes everything goes wrong. But this changes everything. Everything else isn't important in comparison to kids knowing Christ. This is not about pride, this is not about glory, and this is not about competition. This is about every kid, everywhere, having the opportunity to know Christ. This is about dreaming big. This is about moving into the neighborhood, and this is about chasing after the heart of God. Big things are going to happen this year. So lets do this together. Lets live together, minister together, celebrate together, and chase after the hearts of the people we love.
Ministry abounds in Arvada.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My Empire Capsized At Vanity's Cost
"Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes -- God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Don't skimp on colors and scarves. Relish life with the spouse you love. Each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God's gift. It's all you get in exchange for the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one! Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily! This is your last and only chance at it." -Ecclesiates 9:7-10 (Message Remix)
Seize life, because God finds joy in our joy. Seize life, because colors are better than black and white. Seize life, because there is nothing greater than love. Seize life, because adventures call your name. Seize life, because being bored sucks. Seize life, because you only get one. Seize life, because it's not about stopping something, it's about becoming someone. Seize life, because there is so much more than empty substances. Seize life, because the creator of the universe says so. Seize life, because laughter is better than boredom. Seize life, because you are forgiven for your mistakes. Seize life, because your heart aches to. Seize life, because video games just aren't enough. Seize life, because it isn't about money. Seize life, because I don't want to seize it alone. Seize life, because you were born to fly. Seize life, because you are in the midst of eternal romance. Seize life, because we can change eternity. Seize life, because why should the angels be the only ones having fun? Seize life, because you can. Seize life.
If we stack hands and do this together... who can stop us?
Seize life, because God finds joy in our joy. Seize life, because colors are better than black and white. Seize life, because there is nothing greater than love. Seize life, because adventures call your name. Seize life, because being bored sucks. Seize life, because you only get one. Seize life, because it's not about stopping something, it's about becoming someone. Seize life, because there is so much more than empty substances. Seize life, because the creator of the universe says so. Seize life, because laughter is better than boredom. Seize life, because you are forgiven for your mistakes. Seize life, because your heart aches to. Seize life, because video games just aren't enough. Seize life, because it isn't about money. Seize life, because I don't want to seize it alone. Seize life, because you were born to fly. Seize life, because you are in the midst of eternal romance. Seize life, because we can change eternity. Seize life, because why should the angels be the only ones having fun? Seize life, because you can. Seize life.
If we stack hands and do this together... who can stop us?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Human Potential
The Olympics are pretty much the coolest thing in the world. And while I hate to admit it, it is easy for me to sit in front of my TV for hours on end watching these athletes do incredible things. How incredible is it that they can do some of these things? Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive... ever. Micheal Phelps won 8 gold metals, and was the only person in the history of the world to pull it off. There are Gymnastics, Diving, Running, Swimming, Fencing, and a lot of other crazy things that I've never heard of. And we sit here and we watch, and something inside of us is set ablaze when we get to see the amazing things that they do.
I think it is absolute crap to believe that we are any different. The human potential is incredible. I have spent a lot of my life afraid of my potential. Because if I don't try as hard as I can, then people will still say, oh yeah Sean is good at this, he just doesn't try. Expectations are horrifying. But Phelps could be sitting at home, having his friends say, "Oh Phelps could be a good swimmer, but he just doesn't try." No. Instead he competes on the world level, and does things that have never been pulled off before. Instead he puts it all on the line, and gives it everything that he has. He works hard, he trains hard, and he puts all of his heart into the gifts that he has been given.
I believe with my whole heart, that we all have amazing human potential. I will never be in the Olympics. I never expect to be. But I have been given gifts to make a difference in this world. I have been given the ability to do things in this world that have never been done. And so do you. We have such incredible opportunity!! You can do things that have NEVER been done before in the history of this world. You can do things that will change the course of history forever. You are good at who you are, and who you are is exactly who you need to be. Stop running away from your potential. Let's do this. Let's change the world. Let's change the world forever, and lets do it together.
I believe in you. You are amazing. You can do this. And I need, need you to believe in me as well. Because it is time for me to stop running.
I think it is absolute crap to believe that we are any different. The human potential is incredible. I have spent a lot of my life afraid of my potential. Because if I don't try as hard as I can, then people will still say, oh yeah Sean is good at this, he just doesn't try. Expectations are horrifying. But Phelps could be sitting at home, having his friends say, "Oh Phelps could be a good swimmer, but he just doesn't try." No. Instead he competes on the world level, and does things that have never been pulled off before. Instead he puts it all on the line, and gives it everything that he has. He works hard, he trains hard, and he puts all of his heart into the gifts that he has been given.
I believe with my whole heart, that we all have amazing human potential. I will never be in the Olympics. I never expect to be. But I have been given gifts to make a difference in this world. I have been given the ability to do things in this world that have never been done. And so do you. We have such incredible opportunity!! You can do things that have NEVER been done before in the history of this world. You can do things that will change the course of history forever. You are good at who you are, and who you are is exactly who you need to be. Stop running away from your potential. Let's do this. Let's change the world. Let's change the world forever, and lets do it together.
I believe in you. You are amazing. You can do this. And I need, need you to believe in me as well. Because it is time for me to stop running.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Perpetual Motion of The Human Heart
The older I get, the more of an attempt I make to understand how life is changing. I want to remember how life was, realize how life is, and dream about how life is going to be. But as we get older I understand the term 'childlike faith' more and more. Because from my observation, the older we get, the more destructive we get. We become destructive to ourselves and to the ones that we love.
One of the things that I am seeing more and more everyday, is that more and more people love with expectations. What a bummer! People are constantly deciding what people owe them, what people deserve from other people, and who people should be to them, and around them. I would be lying if I said that I haven't fallen into this, and I would be willing to guess that anyone reading this over the age of 21, could agree.
It is really heartbreaking. It really is. On the receiving end, I have had people tell me that I haven't offered them enough; I have had people tell me that I didn't act a certain way, when I should have; I have had people tell me that I didn't live up to certain 'social responsibilities.' And when I heard those words from people, it literally tore me apart. It IS my desire to love people with all of my heart. It IS my desire to take care of people, and give people an opportunity to take care of me. And when people tell me I didn't do a good enough job, it literally causes me to ache.
On the receiving end there is really nothing that you can do about it, except for ask God for healing, and hope and pray that people do appreciate the strides that you make to chase after who they are. But there is plenty I can do on the giving end. And in the past I have been critical of people. In the past I have gotten upset because people didn't 'offer' me something that I was 'owed.' Here's how I look at it now:
No one owes me anything. I am so thrilled to have people in my life who offer me love and who offer me time spent. But everything above zero from people is a bonus. And I need to start looking at my relationships and asking myself... what do I appreciate about you? People ARE going to mess up! I AM going to mess up! And I often do. People need grace when they screw up. And while I think real and big and deep issues need to be confronted... let the little stuff go. Consider what others might be going through themselves when they treat you a certain way. Ask questions, don't point fingers. And sometimes, yes, just let things go. Relationships are the most important thing in the world. Lets take care of each other. Love with all of your heart. Love until it hurts, even if it means someone hurting your pride.
Trust me in this: I love you so so much. I will screw up. I need grace. I love you so so much.
One of the things that I am seeing more and more everyday, is that more and more people love with expectations. What a bummer! People are constantly deciding what people owe them, what people deserve from other people, and who people should be to them, and around them. I would be lying if I said that I haven't fallen into this, and I would be willing to guess that anyone reading this over the age of 21, could agree.
It is really heartbreaking. It really is. On the receiving end, I have had people tell me that I haven't offered them enough; I have had people tell me that I didn't act a certain way, when I should have; I have had people tell me that I didn't live up to certain 'social responsibilities.' And when I heard those words from people, it literally tore me apart. It IS my desire to love people with all of my heart. It IS my desire to take care of people, and give people an opportunity to take care of me. And when people tell me I didn't do a good enough job, it literally causes me to ache.
On the receiving end there is really nothing that you can do about it, except for ask God for healing, and hope and pray that people do appreciate the strides that you make to chase after who they are. But there is plenty I can do on the giving end. And in the past I have been critical of people. In the past I have gotten upset because people didn't 'offer' me something that I was 'owed.' Here's how I look at it now:
No one owes me anything. I am so thrilled to have people in my life who offer me love and who offer me time spent. But everything above zero from people is a bonus. And I need to start looking at my relationships and asking myself... what do I appreciate about you? People ARE going to mess up! I AM going to mess up! And I often do. People need grace when they screw up. And while I think real and big and deep issues need to be confronted... let the little stuff go. Consider what others might be going through themselves when they treat you a certain way. Ask questions, don't point fingers. And sometimes, yes, just let things go. Relationships are the most important thing in the world. Lets take care of each other. Love with all of your heart. Love until it hurts, even if it means someone hurting your pride.
Trust me in this: I love you so so much. I will screw up. I need grace. I love you so so much.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I Just Got Knocked Off My Rocker!
I love to go out of my way to surprise people. And not just like, "Oh my gosh, Sean, cool birthday gift." No, I like to do things where people are like, what the crap just happened. And Daniel, and Lance, always join me in these adventures, and we always talk about how cool it would be if people did something along those lines to us... Well today I got mine:
Keep in mind that there is no exaggeration when I tell this story. Today at a dinky little stop light, on Simms and 74th, there were 40 kids, yes 40, dressed up in capes, wigs, costumes etc. I got stopped at the light and all of them were frantically waving at me. I was royally confused, but didn't want to let them see my weakness or smell my confusion, so I frantically waved back. Then some kids began pretending like they were honking a horn. So I honked my horn, and the kids erupted in clapping, laughter, and some even went as far as to jump up in down in the air with glee. Then they subsided, and began making honking motions again. History repeated itself.
I drove away absolutely confused. I have no clue what happened, or what was happening. There wasn't any big buildings nearby, just a neighborhood. This will probably haunt me for the rest of my life. But I have to say, well done kids. You one upped me, and you one upped me good.
Keep in mind that there is no exaggeration when I tell this story. Today at a dinky little stop light, on Simms and 74th, there were 40 kids, yes 40, dressed up in capes, wigs, costumes etc. I got stopped at the light and all of them were frantically waving at me. I was royally confused, but didn't want to let them see my weakness or smell my confusion, so I frantically waved back. Then some kids began pretending like they were honking a horn. So I honked my horn, and the kids erupted in clapping, laughter, and some even went as far as to jump up in down in the air with glee. Then they subsided, and began making honking motions again. History repeated itself.
I drove away absolutely confused. I have no clue what happened, or what was happening. There wasn't any big buildings nearby, just a neighborhood. This will probably haunt me for the rest of my life. But I have to say, well done kids. You one upped me, and you one upped me good.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm A Bear!
Lyrics by Sean Garton
Performed by Drew Geoddeke
Notice how he is reppin Detroit! Yeah Baby!
Performed by Drew Geoddeke
Notice how he is reppin Detroit! Yeah Baby!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I Can't Explain The State Of My Heart
I don't really understand what it is about me, but something inside of me aches for relationship. Something inside of aches to be with people. It probably has something to do with my childhood, and how i grew up. But in moments of silence my heart drifts to a place filled with the people who I love with everything in me.
Often I lose credibility when I state that someone is my best friend, because it comes out of my mouth so often. But in all honesty, I feel that way about a lot of people. I fall in love so quickly (in the non romantic sense) and nothing in life soothes my heart more than being with the people that I adore.
I guess some people consider this to be an unhealthy thing. People will tell you that you need time to be alone, and that you need to be okay with the time that you have to be alone. In some sense I do agree, but if it is unhealthy I wouldn't have it any other way. To live a 'healthy' life and not ache for people every second of the day, or to live an unhealthy life and have your heart burst for all of the people who have been put in your life. I'll take the ladder of the two every single time. Although it might be the biggest burden I have to bear, although it might put me in a depressing place time and time again... it is my greatest gift. And it is something I pray, wish, and hope never changes. If you are reading this: I love you, spend time with me, because I am aching for it.
Often I lose credibility when I state that someone is my best friend, because it comes out of my mouth so often. But in all honesty, I feel that way about a lot of people. I fall in love so quickly (in the non romantic sense) and nothing in life soothes my heart more than being with the people that I adore.
I guess some people consider this to be an unhealthy thing. People will tell you that you need time to be alone, and that you need to be okay with the time that you have to be alone. In some sense I do agree, but if it is unhealthy I wouldn't have it any other way. To live a 'healthy' life and not ache for people every second of the day, or to live an unhealthy life and have your heart burst for all of the people who have been put in your life. I'll take the ladder of the two every single time. Although it might be the biggest burden I have to bear, although it might put me in a depressing place time and time again... it is my greatest gift. And it is something I pray, wish, and hope never changes. If you are reading this: I love you, spend time with me, because I am aching for it.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
I Love You
I am growing up. Day by day, week by week, I am continuing to grow up. And despite my best efforts of resistance, I cannot fight it. There are so many things that you learn through age (20, going on 21), experiences (MarioKart), and mistakes (getting your car towed and paying $220 to get it back). And even though I hate to admit it (and probably never will), I am growing up.
I've learned a lot of things. I've learned that you have to cover stuff when you put it in the microwave. I've learned that Mandy Moore is not only beautiful, but she can sing too. I've learned that you have to take care of yourself (even though I haven't quite figured out how). And I've learned that a lot of my views on life are changing constantly.
The cool thing about it all, is that there are some things that haven't changed at all. I have gone through plenty of health dilemmas, hard lessons, and discouragement. And yet through it all there is consistency in my heart:
People are the most important thing to me. People are more important to me than my grades, money, my job, sleep, my mood, and success. To me success is taking care of the people I love the most. My biggest dreams are doing life with the people God has given me. I ache, every single day, for the people that I care about. I've never understood it completely. I still haven't quite learned how to use it well, or how to maintain it. In a lot of ways, I am growing up in my love for people. But no matter how many times someone tells me I have screwed up, no matter how busy I get, and no matter where this world takes me... nothing inside of me will ever give up on giving everything I have. I want to love so much it hurts. I want to learn what it looks like to do it well. But most of all I want to be the best I can be for the people who are the most important to me.
-The biggest thing that defines you in life is your heart, and the actions that stem from it. People are such a big part of my heart, so I want to learn what it looks like to be defined by the actions that stem from that. That is the man that I want to be in life. Let's see where THAT takes us.
I've learned a lot of things. I've learned that you have to cover stuff when you put it in the microwave. I've learned that Mandy Moore is not only beautiful, but she can sing too. I've learned that you have to take care of yourself (even though I haven't quite figured out how). And I've learned that a lot of my views on life are changing constantly.
The cool thing about it all, is that there are some things that haven't changed at all. I have gone through plenty of health dilemmas, hard lessons, and discouragement. And yet through it all there is consistency in my heart:
People are the most important thing to me. People are more important to me than my grades, money, my job, sleep, my mood, and success. To me success is taking care of the people I love the most. My biggest dreams are doing life with the people God has given me. I ache, every single day, for the people that I care about. I've never understood it completely. I still haven't quite learned how to use it well, or how to maintain it. In a lot of ways, I am growing up in my love for people. But no matter how many times someone tells me I have screwed up, no matter how busy I get, and no matter where this world takes me... nothing inside of me will ever give up on giving everything I have. I want to love so much it hurts. I want to learn what it looks like to do it well. But most of all I want to be the best I can be for the people who are the most important to me.
-The biggest thing that defines you in life is your heart, and the actions that stem from it. People are such a big part of my heart, so I want to learn what it looks like to be defined by the actions that stem from that. That is the man that I want to be in life. Let's see where THAT takes us.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Roadway Antics
Driving, and just that is obviously not fun enough. I always try and spice my experience up with antics, such as racing people off the line, dancing, waving, awesome tunes, and winking. Thus far here are some of the things I have learned:
1. If you initiate with a cold stare, there are very few people that will turn down a race off the line.
2. Racing isn't about winning. It is about making people think you are a B.A. before you lose.
3. If you lose a race, you cannot make up for it by passing the car that just beat you going 30 mph over the speed limit. That's just stupid.
4. I make a lot of people uncomfortable by waving at them. Unless I'm in a farm town, then a lot of people make me uncomfortable by waving at me.
5. People hate waving back, because they are angry about something... probably that I am so busy waving that I don't realize the light is green... and then I get mad because I realize that someone just beat me off the line.
6. If you wave at a pretty girl, she will smile, and pretend she doesn't see you. This is because she thinks you are into her. But what she doesn't realize is that you just waved at the fifty year old man behind her too. This is proof that pretty girls are aware that they are pretty.
7. Dancing to Ratatat, while stopped at a light next to someone makes them very uncomfortable. They put all of their will power into keeping their head straight, but it is obvious that they are aware of you. It is made obvious by the veins popping out of their head, in the effort to keep their heads straight.
8. Listening to 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' with the windows down, and winking at the ladies doesn't get you anywhere. Trust me. It absolutely gets you nowhere.
I love having fun in the car. Otherwise I'd probably be in such a hurry that I'd be speeding around Arvada like an idiot. Please don't be an idiot on the road. You're not going to get anywhere that much faster and you are passing up a huge opportunity to have fun.
Wow! What if we were all as cool as this guy:
But since we aren't, we can make up for it by wearing one of these bad boys:
Have an amazing day!
1. If you initiate with a cold stare, there are very few people that will turn down a race off the line.
2. Racing isn't about winning. It is about making people think you are a B.A. before you lose.
3. If you lose a race, you cannot make up for it by passing the car that just beat you going 30 mph over the speed limit. That's just stupid.
4. I make a lot of people uncomfortable by waving at them. Unless I'm in a farm town, then a lot of people make me uncomfortable by waving at me.
5. People hate waving back, because they are angry about something... probably that I am so busy waving that I don't realize the light is green... and then I get mad because I realize that someone just beat me off the line.
6. If you wave at a pretty girl, she will smile, and pretend she doesn't see you. This is because she thinks you are into her. But what she doesn't realize is that you just waved at the fifty year old man behind her too. This is proof that pretty girls are aware that they are pretty.
7. Dancing to Ratatat, while stopped at a light next to someone makes them very uncomfortable. They put all of their will power into keeping their head straight, but it is obvious that they are aware of you. It is made obvious by the veins popping out of their head, in the effort to keep their heads straight.
8. Listening to 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' with the windows down, and winking at the ladies doesn't get you anywhere. Trust me. It absolutely gets you nowhere.
I love having fun in the car. Otherwise I'd probably be in such a hurry that I'd be speeding around Arvada like an idiot. Please don't be an idiot on the road. You're not going to get anywhere that much faster and you are passing up a huge opportunity to have fun.
Wow! What if we were all as cool as this guy:
But since we aren't, we can make up for it by wearing one of these bad boys:
Have an amazing day!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Slow It Down
Sunday, June 8, 2008
My Career As A Family Man
So first of all I love Volleyball... and when it comes to illegal hits I am absolutely better than you are. But when it comes to stealing my hits, Zach Payne is probably the best. I spent nine hours yesterday with the Payne family, and for those of you who don't already know, they are as much of a family to me as anything else. There are nine kids, and two parents, and I absolutely adore every single person in that family.
I will have a big family. I don't know how I am going to pay for it, or who I am going to marry that is in support of that... but I want to have a ridiculously big family, and I want my family to absolutely love each other. I want daughters who can walk in confidence because they know they are beautiful! I want sons who I will let get into a little bit of trouble simply because they are boys, and that's what boys do. I want my kids to play with each other, to love each other, to turn down hanging out with their friends to hang out with the family.
I ache for a community that is a family, and with my ambitions in life I don't know how I am going to do that. I won't be making a lot of money. But it is the desire of my heart, so I am starting the application process for any doctors that want to marry me... Any takers?
I will have a big family. I don't know how I am going to pay for it, or who I am going to marry that is in support of that... but I want to have a ridiculously big family, and I want my family to absolutely love each other. I want daughters who can walk in confidence because they know they are beautiful! I want sons who I will let get into a little bit of trouble simply because they are boys, and that's what boys do. I want my kids to play with each other, to love each other, to turn down hanging out with their friends to hang out with the family.
I ache for a community that is a family, and with my ambitions in life I don't know how I am going to do that. I won't be making a lot of money. But it is the desire of my heart, so I am starting the application process for any doctors that want to marry me... Any takers?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sounding Off
So, this is my little experiment of a blog. I'm trusting you guys when you say that you will read it, and that you want me to write more. So if you want to read it, by all means feel free, and if you don't... well don't. I'm not really going to hold back, meaning that I am going to put all of who I am into this blog, and a lot of that will have to do with community, God, laughing, work, Young Life, my friends, my adventures, my travels, and everything else that is a big part of my life. So I am sorry if some of you don't really agree with or like what I have to say. There will also be posts about music and videos and movies and lots of crazy random stuff. So please, please give me feedback so that I know that people are actually reading this and it isn't just a lonely, lonely blog.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Early Riser!
This morning was interesting. I ruined breakfast for myself. I was falling asleep at the breakfast table, eating my cereal. And my head started bobbing. This is when milk started to come out of my nose, and continue back into the cereal bowl.
I thought to myself. What the heck? I continued eating, but the cereal just wasn't the same, so I elected not to finish. Now I have the sniffles cause I'm pretty sure there's still milk in my nose, and my eyes itch for whatever reason.
Ha ha. Who wants to have breakfast with me tomorrow? : P
I thought to myself. What the heck? I continued eating, but the cereal just wasn't the same, so I elected not to finish. Now I have the sniffles cause I'm pretty sure there's still milk in my nose, and my eyes itch for whatever reason.
Ha ha. Who wants to have breakfast with me tomorrow? : P
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