Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Just Got Knocked Off My Rocker!

I love to go out of my way to surprise people. And not just like, "Oh my gosh, Sean, cool birthday gift." No, I like to do things where people are like, what the crap just happened. And Daniel, and Lance, always join me in these adventures, and we always talk about how cool it would be if people did something along those lines to us... Well today I got mine:

Keep in mind that there is no exaggeration when I tell this story. Today at a dinky little stop light, on Simms and 74th, there were 40 kids, yes 40, dressed up in capes, wigs, costumes etc. I got stopped at the light and all of them were frantically waving at me. I was royally confused, but didn't want to let them see my weakness or smell my confusion, so I frantically waved back. Then some kids began pretending like they were honking a horn. So I honked my horn, and the kids erupted in clapping, laughter, and some even went as far as to jump up in down in the air with glee. Then they subsided, and began making honking motions again. History repeated itself.

I drove away absolutely confused. I have no clue what happened, or what was happening. There wasn't any big buildings nearby, just a neighborhood. This will probably haunt me for the rest of my life. But I have to say, well done kids. You one upped me, and you one upped me good.

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