Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For those of you who read what I write, you've probably realized at this point it is all the same anyways. Really it is. But that is because I hope that at some point, part of it hits us. Whether it is because it gets said in the right way, or we read it during a certain point of our lives, hopefully some day our hearts catch fire, get set ablaze, and we burn, burn, burn for something so much bigger than ourselves:

Last time I wrote, I talked about how we were created for amazing, amazing things. Really we have amazing potential to change this world in incredible ways. And it is one of my greatest hopes in life that we are running and striving towards that goal. I hope that God has placed on all of our hearts where we are running to and who we are becoming. I hope that we are crashing into people's lives and hearts and exploding into this world with the goal of becoming someone and helping the world heal.

But as much as it hurts to admit it, we do have limitations. We are so stubborn to think that we are going to do this as individuals. I don't know if it is because we are afraid to let other people see the crap in our life or we are so prideful to think that our mission is our own. But we all have strengths and weaknesses. I, as much as it sucks to say, can't find my way around worth anything. I don't know right from left, and I can't remember street names. This is a petty example, but we all have things like this in our lives.

I used to get frustrated at these things, but now I'm starting to believe that maybe, just maybe these limitations are one of the greatest gifts in all the world. Could it be that because of these limitations that we are forced to do this together? Could it be that if we really decide that we weren't created to walk alone, we would be better off? See, I think this system was put in place so that we would hold hands and walk together.

If we joined up and walked together we could radically transform the world we live in. If we walked side by side we could defy the limitations we face everyday, defy all odds, and explode into this world and change things for all eternity. Brothers and sisters, I desperately need you. I can't even make a dent in this world without you, and even IF I could.... I wouldn't want to. Will you please walk beside me? Will you please do this with me? I don't want to do this by myself, and I couldn't anyways. So thank the living God that he didn't create us so that we could.

May your heart catch fire and burn, burn, burn for something bigger than yourself.

1 comment:

Carrie Beth said...

God created us to this together. He created us to serve Him hand in hand, in partnership.