Saturday, June 28, 2008

I Love You

I am growing up. Day by day, week by week, I am continuing to grow up. And despite my best efforts of resistance, I cannot fight it. There are so many things that you learn through age (20, going on 21), experiences (MarioKart), and mistakes (getting your car towed and paying $220 to get it back). And even though I hate to admit it (and probably never will), I am growing up.

I've learned a lot of things. I've learned that you have to cover stuff when you put it in the microwave. I've learned that Mandy Moore is not only beautiful, but she can sing too. I've learned that you have to take care of yourself (even though I haven't quite figured out how). And I've learned that a lot of my views on life are changing constantly.

The cool thing about it all, is that there are some things that haven't changed at all. I have gone through plenty of health dilemmas, hard lessons, and discouragement. And yet through it all there is consistency in my heart:

People are the most important thing to me. People are more important to me than my grades, money, my job, sleep, my mood, and success. To me success is taking care of the people I love the most. My biggest dreams are doing life with the people God has given me. I ache, every single day, for the people that I care about. I've never understood it completely. I still haven't quite learned how to use it well, or how to maintain it. In a lot of ways, I am growing up in my love for people. But no matter how many times someone tells me I have screwed up, no matter how busy I get, and no matter where this world takes me... nothing inside of me will ever give up on giving everything I have. I want to love so much it hurts. I want to learn what it looks like to do it well. But most of all I want to be the best I can be for the people who are the most important to me.

-The biggest thing that defines you in life is your heart, and the actions that stem from it. People are such a big part of my heart, so I want to learn what it looks like to be defined by the actions that stem from that. That is the man that I want to be in life. Let's see where THAT takes us.

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