Wednesday, May 4, 2011

We've Been Given Superpowers

I've always known that I was gifted. My whole life I have been so lucky that I was surrounded by people who made sure I knew. I have a lot of talent in a lot of different areas of my life, and my gifts have provided me with courage. From day one I knew that my heart and my desire to give it away, make me who I am. I've always known I was a special kid.

If you don't feel this way about yourself, you're missing something huge. We are all special kids. And as cliche' and bs as that sounds, I absolutely mean it. We were created to be extraordinary, to do something, to change this world. You are brilliant and you are beautiful, but that isn't enough. You have to give it away.

It never seems that simple though does it? First you have to know who you are. Then you have to be inspired. Every single day that you wake up, look for something to inspire. Get fired up about life, about living. And then go out, open your heart, and offer yourself. There are few things I believe, as much as I believe in the people around me. You are incredible.

Love big, and give yourself away. Be inspired and change the world. If you use those gifts and talents only for yourself, then you are being selfish. I want to hear stories about the lives that you have changed. And you will forget, and you will fall down. I feel like the last five years of my life have been forgetting and falling down. So, maybe this is more for me than anyone else; but just the same, go.

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