Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What The Heck Is Wrong With Me?!?!

So as some of you may know, and some of you may not, I have recently had a few seizures. The first came about two weeks ago, when I put myself through a trash can. Then I spent some time at home recovering, and as I started to get better my EEG test results came back not what we expected them to be. Upon going in for my second EEG test yesterday, I woke up in a strange room, next to my mother, who told me that I was back in the ER because I had had another seizure.

So now I'm back at home, and back in bed, after spending yesterday in the hospital. I guess the purpose of this note is three fold. First of all I wanted to inform anyone who wasn't up to date on what was going on with me (at least the short version of the story). But also I want to thank you guys for being great friends and caring about me when life was really hard. And finally I want to say that I am sorry that I haven't been the friend that I should be. I am sorry if I have neglected you. I would love to hear from all of you and I promise I will try and do my best to get back to you.

But please, please keep me in your thoughts, and prayers, and send any encouragement you have my way. Because I can tell you right now that I need it.

Friday, June 1, 2007

I Could Make Better Use Of My Time On Land

Sometimes I like to imagine that I have this meter, and when it runs out, I just have to run away for a little while, as to fill it back up. So this time I will be gone for at least a month. I leave tomorrow morning, and I will be in San Diego until July 3rd. Then I will take it from there to decide if I am going to escape for the rest of my summer, or spend some time at home.

Enjoying my last day is really pretty crazy, cleaning, packing, shopping etc. but I really need some company. If anyone wants to go shopping with me, call me as soon as you read this. Seriously, I can't match my clothes, so I need someone to help me. I would love it if anyone wanted to come along shopping with me, being that today is my last day here.

The hardest part about leaving is that I am leaving you all behind. I love to go on adventures, but I desperately miss the people who are important to me, and if you are reading this, I will definitely miss you. You are all so important to me, and I hope that you will write me letters to encourage me while I am gone.

I am going to be volunteering at a YoungLife camp in San Diego as a Work Crew Boss, and I will be in charge of a group of kids serving the people at the camp. I am really excited, and hope that I get to say goodbye to you guys before I love. I LOVE YOU ALL. Please send me some encouragement.

Mailing Address:
Sean Garton
Work Crew Session #1
Young Life's Oakbridge
P.O. Box 1739
Ramona, CA 92065

Packaging Address:
Sean Garton
Work Crew Session #1
Young Life's Oakbridge
27224 Highway 78
Ramona, CA 92065

Please write me!!!! Seriously it will mean so much to get a letter or two... that's why I tagged you, becuase I would love to hear from you!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Oh, We Have Grown. Oh, Time Has Flown.

Your best friend said something that pissed you off. That new CD you ordered isn't in yet. You could do you homework now, and play later; You could do your homework later, and worry about it all weekend. You have a kidney stone and it just hurts, but the doctor won't see you for two weeks. You could cheat now and pay the consequences later, or sacrifice the instant gratification and.... wait.

One of the best things we can learn in this world is patience. Really, when you think about it, it applies to everything. Road rage, pain, sin, outbursts, whining. A lot of the junk that we deal with in life could easily be handled with one simple virtue: patience. But it isn't so simple is it? Why is it so hard to be patient? We don't like to wait, for anything.

What would the world look like if when we were quick to get angry, we could just wait a day or two before saying anything? What would the world look like if we could just be patient and sit through things, that even though we didn't want to do them, we knew it was for the best? What would the world look like if we could be patient with each other? What would the world look like if we could put our own desires aside, waiting to serve ourselves, and take care of everything else?

I know how hard patience can be. Sometimes it can seem impossible. But the more and more I live, I am certain that if we could just learn to hold on, sit tight, be patient, and wait, that our world would be dramatically different. I believe that patience, in its difficulty, is the answer to a lot issues that we all have in the world. So let's work on it, but not by ourselves, lets do this together. So lets work on it, but not by ourselves, let's do this together.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Brilliance of The Sunset

Confronting caustic crossroads, we have loosely left, letting go our youth. There was once a time when every day was brand new, and our eyes still widened at the brilliance of the setting sun. Do you remember when we used to dream? Do you remember when our whole lives were ahead of us, we had everything to look forward to, and we never had to say goodbye? Those days have set with the sun, and we are forced to feel the weight of time. Our dreams are no longer distant, but are upon us, and more than ever we must realize the significance of our actions and the importance of the present. You and I, were born to dream; we were born to fly. And so dreaming must become a daily routine, as we discover what it means to pursue the depths of our hearts, so that we may explode across the sky like streaming shooting stars.

Time will never stop moving forward, but the fact of the matter is, if we live our lives with passion, we should look at the past with sorrow, that it is no longer present. But, just the same, if we live our lives with passion, we should never fear what is to come, and the present will forever be nothing less than extraordinary.