Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

This is perhaps, maybe, more vulnerable than I'd like to be:

Sure, our parents pretended to love us... but if they REALLY loved us would they really shut off the light and leave us to get eaten alive by the monster under our bed or the boogeyman? Love is more than a feeling, it is an act. And if it was genuine love, they wouldn't have tried to save on grocery costs by serving us up on a platter (okay, a bed) to the creatures of the night.

Actually I was never afraid of monsters. It seemed irrational to my nerdy, afro baring, glasses wearing head. But as a young'n our house got broken into - funny story though, I was in denial at first and thought that people broke into our house to leave us presents (seriously [they didn't]) - and after that I had a great fear of robbers breaking into my room at night.

But now I know that I'm strong enough to kick any robbers ass (I'm not, but I'm really fast and could run away), and I'm not afraid of monsters under the bed. However, I have been hearing really creepy noises at night. Really creepy. And the problem isn't that it is the unknown, because I know exactly what it is (I almost wish I didn't).

Mice. It is mice.

And lets just be honest here. Mice are far more terrifying than robbers or the boogeyman. Why do you think I'm blogging at 11:48 at night? About nothing? It's so I don't have to face the mice. I also have music on very loud and I'm sleeping in my clothes. I might not ever sleep again.