Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Music Update

Listen to these:

Furr - Blitzen Trapper
Elephants - Rachael Yamagata
Once Upon A Rhyme - Max Turner
Candle - The White Tie Affair

Let me know what you think.

Monday, May 25, 2009

To Eat Or Not To Eat

So I'm officially going gluten free for a week. For those of you who know Caleb: he can't eat gluten. For those of you who know me: the only person who is more upset about it than me, is Caleb. So I am embarking on a journey to not eat gluten for one whole week. Which week? Well a week in the near future. Perhaps my headaches will disappear, perhaps I'll learn to appreciate food more, perhaps I'll just be miserable for a week.

I will post the outcome here...

Update: Really?!? No bread?!?! What a joke! Gosh gluten is soooo cool. Why do bodies have to suck and stuff so we can't eat it? Poor celiacs (People who can't eat gluten).

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Love Is The Foundation

"The saints are so aware that love is not something to be worked for to be worked up to or learned in workshops. It breaks through now and then, in ways suddenly obvious. Maybe its looking at a sunset or a beloved one; maybe its a moment of insight or a gut intuition of the foundational justice and truth of all things. But when you discover love, you want to thank somebody for it. Because you know you didnt create it. You know you didnt practice it, you are just participating in it. Love is that which underlies and grounds all things. As Dante said, love is the energy that moves the sun, the moon and the other stars. St. Vincent de Paul would thank the poor for letting him help them. Its as if he said, Thank you for letting me see this. You are the window that lets me see the real. I didnt love, you didnt love. Love just is, and suddenly we see it standing between us."

-Richard Rohr