Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Empire Capsized At Vanity's Cost

"Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes -- God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Don't skimp on colors and scarves. Relish life with the spouse you love. Each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God's gift. It's all you get in exchange for the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one! Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily! This is your last and only chance at it." -Ecclesiates 9:7-10 (Message Remix)

Seize life, because God finds joy in our joy. Seize life, because colors are better than black and white. Seize life, because there is nothing greater than love. Seize life, because adventures call your name. Seize life, because being bored sucks. Seize life, because you only get one. Seize life, because it's not about stopping something, it's about becoming someone. Seize life, because there is so much more than empty substances. Seize life, because the creator of the universe says so. Seize life, because laughter is better than boredom. Seize life, because you are forgiven for your mistakes. Seize life, because your heart aches to. Seize life, because video games just aren't enough. Seize life, because it isn't about money. Seize life, because I don't want to seize it alone. Seize life, because you were born to fly. Seize life, because you are in the midst of eternal romance. Seize life, because we can change eternity. Seize life, because why should the angels be the only ones having fun? Seize life, because you can. Seize life.

If we stack hands and do this together... who can stop us?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Human Potential

The Olympics are pretty much the coolest thing in the world. And while I hate to admit it, it is easy for me to sit in front of my TV for hours on end watching these athletes do incredible things. How incredible is it that they can do some of these things? Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive... ever. Micheal Phelps won 8 gold metals, and was the only person in the history of the world to pull it off. There are Gymnastics, Diving, Running, Swimming, Fencing, and a lot of other crazy things that I've never heard of. And we sit here and we watch, and something inside of us is set ablaze when we get to see the amazing things that they do.

I think it is absolute crap to believe that we are any different. The human potential is incredible. I have spent a lot of my life afraid of my potential. Because if I don't try as hard as I can, then people will still say, oh yeah Sean is good at this, he just doesn't try. Expectations are horrifying. But Phelps could be sitting at home, having his friends say, "Oh Phelps could be a good swimmer, but he just doesn't try." No. Instead he competes on the world level, and does things that have never been pulled off before. Instead he puts it all on the line, and gives it everything that he has. He works hard, he trains hard, and he puts all of his heart into the gifts that he has been given.

I believe with my whole heart, that we all have amazing human potential. I will never be in the Olympics. I never expect to be. But I have been given gifts to make a difference in this world. I have been given the ability to do things in this world that have never been done. And so do you. We have such incredible opportunity!! You can do things that have NEVER been done before in the history of this world. You can do things that will change the course of history forever. You are good at who you are, and who you are is exactly who you need to be. Stop running away from your potential. Let's do this. Let's change the world. Let's change the world forever, and lets do it together.

I believe in you. You are amazing. You can do this. And I need, need you to believe in me as well. Because it is time for me to stop running.