Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What The Heck Is Wrong With Me?!?!

So as some of you may know, and some of you may not, I have recently had a few seizures. The first came about two weeks ago, when I put myself through a trash can. Then I spent some time at home recovering, and as I started to get better my EEG test results came back not what we expected them to be. Upon going in for my second EEG test yesterday, I woke up in a strange room, next to my mother, who told me that I was back in the ER because I had had another seizure.

So now I'm back at home, and back in bed, after spending yesterday in the hospital. I guess the purpose of this note is three fold. First of all I wanted to inform anyone who wasn't up to date on what was going on with me (at least the short version of the story). But also I want to thank you guys for being great friends and caring about me when life was really hard. And finally I want to say that I am sorry that I haven't been the friend that I should be. I am sorry if I have neglected you. I would love to hear from all of you and I promise I will try and do my best to get back to you.

But please, please keep me in your thoughts, and prayers, and send any encouragement you have my way. Because I can tell you right now that I need it.